Welcome to the MOJRP.com

A Whitelisted UK Based RP Server

MOJRP.com is a new open world server played on the GTA5 map.

We first went live on 17 November 2022 @ 7:00pm and with the feedback from our initial members, we are developing the server on a daily basis. This includes adding new properties, RP tools, jobs, vehicles and so on.

We are currently in the process of developing our own in-game CAD and online members area.

How to Join
Applications to join MOJRP.com will be available on this website soon. However, please be aware that we are not your standard "RP" server. MOJRP is more like a life simulator, and not 'cops and robbers'. If you want a RP server leaning more to a realistic open world map, then we might be what you've been looking for.

Discord Server
Click Here to join!

Designed and Maintained by MOJRP.com | Updated: 27 November 2023 @ 1:15pm